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Is It Adult ADHD?

Is It Adult ADHD?

Lack of motivation, procrastination, sluggishness, inability to finish tasks in a timely manner, disorganized, scattered, and overwhelmed.  These are some of the common complaints that result in many adults feeling defeated and ineffective.  The underlying cause could be undiagnosed ADHD. Many adults live with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and don’t recognize it. 

Use Your Head When Making Decisions About Sports Concussion!

Use Your Head When Making Decisions About Sports Concussion!

As a former high school and college athlete and long-time advocate and professional diagnosing and treating individuals with varying degrees of traumatic brain injury (e.g., post-concussion), the time is right to further educate the public with regard to sports concussion.  While sports concussion has been a chronic problem ranging from youth to professional sports,

Intersections between Autoimmune Conditions and Mental Health

Intersections between Autoimmune Conditions and Mental Health

Autoimmune conditions currently affect over 23 million Americans. The most familiar conditions that receive attention, such as rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, lupus, Lyme disease, and gastrointestinal/gut disorders (inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s), are usually marked by symptoms of pain or dysfunction in multiple regions of the body.