Patient Reviews

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5 Stars

69 Reviews | Average Rating: 5

5 Stars

Dr. Greco helped me get back to work. He was super helpful after I had my brain injury. I am back to work and I feel like myself again. He also was great to talk to my neurologist and my work. Thank you Dr. Greco. John F.
5 Stars

I found Dr. Greco through a support group for mom's on facebook. My family drove 1 hour to see him and it was so worth the wait! Dr. Greco was compassionate and explained the testing and recommendations to us thoroughly. I felt he really understood my son's issues and journey. I am hoping that the testing will tell us how to help my son. I left feeling very comfortable. I highly recommend Dr. Greco and I know my son will like him and my son really doesn't like doctors either.
5 Stars

I was so pleased with the atmosphere, and personal care my daughter got from Dr. Greco's staff. He was referred by a teacher from my daughters school. He was great and helped my family.
5 Stars

My husband I saw Dr. Greco last week for the first time. We were struggling with making the decision to transfer out of public school to private. Dr. Greco's approach and recommendations is exactly what we needed. He explained the pros and cons and said after we test our son we will know what to do from an academic perspective. I went to bed that night and felt relieved to know my son is with him and he will help us through this. Kathy W.
5 Stars

Five stars isn't enough. Dr. Sica is a wonderful man. He took the time to explain to me what my testing would entail and afterwards, sat down with me for a deep and thorough review of my test results. I cannot imagine entrusting this important part of my care to anyone else. With many thanks, Catherine S.
5 Stars

Dr. Sica is a compassionate and kind man. My experience at his office sparked a few breakthroughs for me, and for that I am forever grateful. Not only did Dr. Sica listen to what my husband and I were saying, and was compassionate and kind, he was also direct and honest where need be. I needed that more than he was the start of my many breakthroughs to be my best self and "clean house"😉! I never had a doctor who was caring enough to talk in depth, listen intently, and give feedback without ever looking at his watch. We need more doctors like Dr. Sica and his professional staff in this ever-changing world we live in as they are sadly far and few between. My life has been changed at 52 years old thanks to Dr. Sica....he is just an amazing man with a heart, and I am so glad he is a part of my life and in my corner to direct me to my best self. Out of the dark and into the light... Always forward, never back. Thank you Dr. Sica and staff.... For everything! I am so very blessed!!! Love, Rachel S.
5 Stars

My daughter refused to speak to two neuropsychologists. Our school district told us to see Dr Greco. Well let’s say in 20 minutes they bonded!! He has a sincere way about him and he treated her like an adult. She repeated that and they connected immediately. I am grateful and I can wait to see what the tests show. Eileen
5 Stars

I just saw Dr. Greco. I was so pleased that he took the time to listen, understand my issue and give me advice. I have been to other doctors and I just feel Dr. Greco was more attentive to me.  My neurologist told me to see him. Highly recommend him. Bob W.
5 Stars

My son was denied an IEP even though he struggles with reading. We hired a lawyer and the school still fought us. The lawyer told us to see Dr. Greco. My son did testing. After we submitted my son's report to his school they did exactly what Dr. Greco recommended. I wish I would have had him tested first so we didn't have to lose the entire school year. Dr. Greco was the best....we thank him for where our son is today. Melinda
5 Stars

I have nothing good to say about Dr. Greco. He really cares about his patients and you can tell. He knows exactly what he talking about and explains it in a way that you understand. we saw numerous doctors about my daughters problems they all dismissed it. When we saw Dr. Greco we were like FINALLY THANK GOD! SOMEONE IS GOING TO DO SOMETHING! SOMEONE IS FINALLY LISTENING TO US!
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