ADHD vs Autism in Children

With continued research and more information published, we are learning that ADHD and autism have many overlapping characteristics, especially in children. Though the two are very different neurological disorders, there are many attributes that children present that could easily be mistaken as one of the two conditions. However, small nuances may allude to the other conditions. It is also very common for children to have both ADHD and autism together, but there are certain signs to differentiate what the child might be dealing with.

Similarities between ADHD and Autism:

  • Attention difficulties – Children with ADHD have trouble paying attention or holding attention, and children with autism struggle to pay attention when they lack interest in something.
  • Hyper Behavior – Children with ADHD typically struggle to sit still and are constantly moving, and children with autism are often seen stimming, or creating self-stimulation with repetitive, rapid movements.
  • Impulsivity – Children with ADHD will often talk over others, interrupt, and act without thinking, and children with autism may interrupt, say inappropriate things at inappropriate times, and lack self-regulation tactics.

Characteristics more specific to ADHD:

  • Fidgeting
  • Hyperactivity/inability to sit still
  • Difficulty following directions
  • Acting/speaking without thinking
  • Easily distracted by different stimuli


Characteristics more specific to Autism:

  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Lack of social reciprocity
  • Highly fixated interests
  • Sensory-seeking behavior/sensory sensitivity
  • Scripting/repeating phrases, words, and/or songs on a consistent basis


Though the characteristics listed to differentiate the two are strong indicators of what a child might be dealing with, there is still high likelihood of overlap. Some of the signs might not be as prevalent as others, and it may be difficult to realize certain behaviors when they are viewed often in everyday life. If you feel your child may be presenting any of these issues, schedule a consultation with our office and let our professionals provide your child with the tools they need to excel.


Joshua Tice
Psychometrician and Behavioral Technician