Author: NRS Lifespan

Spotlight Series on Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond: Part III – Physical Changes

In this third blog post on the menopause transition (MT), we focus on the numerous physical changes that affect the cognitive and emotional health of women. This topic is complex and, therefore, this article is just a drop in the informational bucket, designed to be a launching point of productive conversations between women and their doctors. The main point here is to name some common health issues that arise when a woman is in her 40s-50s that are often treated as disparate “age-related” problems which may be, in fact, rooted in hormonal changes. The goal, then, is to treat such issues with a more integrated approach rather than prescribing separate medications for each of these independent symptoms and conditions.

The emerging scientific consensus is that menopause has direct links to the following — gut and digestive problems; cardiac risk; weight gain; muscle loss and osteoporosis; autoimmune conditions; and diabetes. Real-time complaints look like this: Hot flashes, joint pain, fatigue, feeling weak, dizziness, vertigo, pain in lower legs, dry and itchy eyes, diarrhea and constipation, urinary incontinence, eczema and psoriasis, leaky gut syndrome, heart palpitations, blood pressure changes, weight gain with no changes in diet or exercise, inability to lose weight even with healthy nutrition and exercise.

Here’s the short and sweet explanation for the above. Estrogen and progesterone decrease significantly during the menopause transition. They both have anti-inflammatory properties so any health issue that is drive by inflammation (what isn’t these days?) gets worse. Estrogen also affects cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, the gut microbiome, bone and muscle mass metabolism, circulation and blood flow, and collagen and moisture levels. Again, lot of instability in these areas once estrogen drops off. Women lose bone density and lean muscle mass and gain visceral fat (a 2-4 fold increase in fat, on average). Most of these changes start during perimenopause (late 30s-40s), rear their ugly heads during menopause (late 40s-50s), and then taper off in the post-menopause apocalypse.

Unfortunately for many women, the damage that is sustained during MT means that their sense of identity, mental health, and happiness with their bodies takes a big hit. Also, many women get sucked up into the medical vortex of doctors appointments, new medications, confusion, judgment, etc. at the time of life when they are simultaneously working (peak career for some) and caring for others (kids, aging parents). There are several lifestyle interventions and pharmaceutical approaches that can offset this biologically inevitable process. Most involve shifting perspective on nutrition, exercise, and stress management. These approaches are science-driven and doable with the right type of support. If you or someone you know are interested in counseling support on this topic, call our office at 732-988-3441 to consult with a clinical health psychologist.

Neuropsychological Aspects of Functional Cognitive Disorder

The term or diagnosis of functional cognitive disorder is a relatively new condition and one that requires additional research and longitudinal studies.  Functional cognitive disorder is primarily reported by individuals as a condition interfering with various levels of attention and concentration as well as memory.  These problems often interfere with and adversely affect an individual’s ability to function on a daily basis.  These individuals often complain that they are less capable or competent as they were in the past.  Common self-reported symptoms may include:

·        Daily forgetfulness

·        Cognitive/mental fatigue

·        Misplacing things around the house

·        Word finding or speech hesitancy

·        Losing track during general conversation

·        Having difficulty recalling past events

Obviously, these concerns are often described as being “frightening” to the patient, family members, friends, and coworkers.  In contrast with other neurological conditions (e.g., dementia, stroke, traumatic brain injury), there is no underlying neurological condition or brain structure abnormality.

As noted above, an individual with a diagnosis of functional cognitive disorder often experiences attentional difficulties and lapses in memory as a result of other factors.  These may include, but not be limited to family issues, general health concerns, chronic pain, work or school-related stress, and other emotional variables.  As discussed, it is imperative that a specific neurological condition be ruled out prior to considering a clinical diagnosis of functional cognitive disorder.  This is often based on the results of laboratory tests, neuroimaging, and medical consultation (e.g., primary care physician, neurologist, endocrinologist, etc).

In addition, clinical neuropsychologists are consulted in order to gain a better understanding of the individual’s strengths and weaknesses and overall level of neurocognitive functioning.  This will often include the administration and interpretation of a standardized battery of neuropsychological tests to evaluate an individual’s general level of intellectual functioning, memory, levels of sustained attention/concentration, auditory processing, sensorimotor abilities, executive functions, as well as personality variables.  From a behavioral perspective, it is imperative to assess the individual’s level of daily stress and to either rule in or rule out depression and/or anxiety, which are known to be important factors contributing to functional cognitive disorder.

In conclusion, it is imperative that an individual with concerns regarding attentional difficulties and memory loss without a formal neurological diagnosis should consider an additional neurocognitive work up through a neuropsychologist.  Following the successful completion of a neuropsychological evaluation, an accurate diagnosis can be made in conjunction with the implementation of specific treatment recommendations.  These results will be vitally important to the patient, family members, referring physicians, and allied health professionals.  An accurate diagnosis with appropriate treatment recommendations will undoubtedly result in a more favorable prognosis based on increased daily cognitive capabilities and reduced life stressors.

For additional information or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office at 732-988-3441.

Michael J. Raymond, Ph.D., ABN, FACPN
Board Certified Neuropsychologist #232
Licensed Psychologist #35S100252900

The Importance of Board Certification in Neuropsychology

The American Board of Professional Neuropsychology (ABN) has been granting board certification in clinical neuropsychology since 1982. ABN encourages the pursuit of excellence in the practice of clinical neuropsychology by offering a credentialing process while also offering consumers and the healthcare community a means of identifying well-qualified professional neuropsychologists.

Starting in January 2014, the Academy of the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology (AABN), a division of the ABN, began offering the opportunity for post-doctoral neuropsychology training programs to become a recognized training site. This innovative development emerged in response to: (a) the lack of adequate formal post-doctoral recognized training programs across the United States in comparison to the high number of graduates interested in formal, quality training programs, and (b) the fact that other agencies recognizing post-doctoral training programs require the Director of Training to have obtained board certification from only one board certifying agency (ABPP). These circumstances unfairly limit the programs available in the United States to the great detriment of large numbers of graduates seeking quality, recognized formal post-doctoral neuropsychology training.

The development and implementation of AABN was designed to strengthen the field of clinical neuropsychology by setting standards for post-doctoral training, to ultimately encourage board certification (without discrimination to any board) and thereby foster education and confidence in the public in the field of clinical neuropsychology.

At NRS|LS, our board certification process is unique in that upon completion of the two-year program, you automatically qualify to sit for the examination at no financial expense and have mentorship throughout the process.

Having achieved board certification in our neuropsychology fellowship, your professional status is unique is the following areas:

Expertise Development:  Your fellowship provides advanced training in neuropsychology, allowing fellows to develop specialized skills in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological and psychological disorders.
Credibility and Recognition:  Your board certification signifies that a neuropsychologist has met rigorous standards and is recognized by peers and institutions as having achieved the highest level of competency.
Clinical Experience:  Your fellowship program typically offers hands-on clinical experience, which is crucial for developing practical skills in a supervised environment.
Research Opportunities:  Your fellowship may include a research component, enabling you to contribute to the advancement of neuropsychological science and remain updated with the latest findings.
Career Advancement:  Your board certification can enhance job prospects, as many employers prefer or require it for clinical positions, especially in academic or specialized settings.
Professional Network:  Your fellowship provides access to a network of professionals, which can be beneficial for collaboration, mentorship, and career opportunities.
Ethical Standards:  Board certification entails adherence to ethical guidelines and ongoing education, ensuring you are committed to high standards of care.

A board-certified fellowship is essential for ensuring quality of care in the neuropsychological field while enhancing the professional development of neuropsychologists.

Please see our website at for further information regarding enrollment for the 2025 to 2027 fellowship.


Times are a changing…..

This information is shared with our readers in order to alert you about recent legislation that will affect the care of patients with brain conditions in need of neuropsychological examination (NPE) and care.

The ASPPB Regulatory Task Force and the American Psychological Association proposed Master’s level providers to engage independently in administering psychological tests to patients, though they will not be permitted to identify themselves as neuropsychologists or accept referrals for NPEs. However, there is no system in place to assure the Master’s level provider from administering and interpreting tests traditionally reserved for neuropsychologists. The Master’s level provider could merely use different language calling the NPE a “cognitive screener”, “cognitive assessment” or some other obscure term.

State licensing boards and professional organizations do not have the resources and time to monitor such restrictions placing you, the patient, at risk of harm from these providers who ignore these restrictions. Some Master’s level providers engage in test interpretation beyond their competencies. Complex NPEs involving memory, reasoning, language, personality tests should be specifically excluded for Master’s level providers. This is a standard of care in NPEs administered by doctoral level neuropsychologists due to their in-depth training, education, clinical rotations above and beyond the Master’s level provider.

To be assured you are in the right hands, check and ask whether you are being treated by a legitimate neuropsychologist, preferably board certified.

If you have any concerns, give us a call and we are willing to answer your questions and concerns and guide you in the proper direction.


Interface between technology and neuropsychology

Marrying the past and present neuropsychology: Is the future of the process-based approach technology-based?
Frontiers in Psychology (2020). 11.


Standardized neuropsychological tests have historically been focused on ecological validity.  Many non-cognitive variables, such as physical, behavioral and emotional factors, and levels of premorbid functioning could be responsible for a deviation from real-world behavior. Throughout these tests, three main factors emerge that have the potential to hamper the ecological validity of neuropsychological test performances: a relatively sterile testing environment in which cognitive tests are conducted (a distraction-free environment that isolates sensorial modalities and controls environmental conditions like noise or temperature), a limited sample of behavior (neuropsychological tests performed over a relatively limited period of time, bestowing less information as opposed to complex cognitive processes that require a larger amount of time to complete), and a lack of agreement regarding the specific cognitive constructs (a lack of consensus makes it difficult to align any particular cognitive test scores to an appropriate cognitive skill in a real-world setting). In an effort to overcome these limitations, new methods of assessing cognitive functions have been proposed in recent years. Future research is focused on performance-based tests that will be administered in realistic environments accompanied by the usage of technology and Virtual Reality (VR).

A few of the most common standardized neuropsychological tests include the Clock Drawing Test, the Trail Making Test, the Block Design, and Digital Span. It has been proposed to implement machine-learning algorithms with advanced technology.  For example, on the Clock Drawing Test, the patient is asked to draw the face of a clock and the corresponding numbers.  Factors such as drawing time, pauses and hesitations in drawing, and time spent holding the pen but not drawing, are recorded with 12 milliseconds accuracy in this research. This machine can automate time-consuming and subjective processes, analyzing difficult data for clinicians to interpret manually and helping detect cognitive impairment at an earlier stage than is currently possible. For the Trail Making Test (TMT), throughout the process, they are monitored for speed for attention, sequencing, mental flexibility, visual search, and motor function. As time went on, an introduction of a computerized version of the TMT reduced the influence of the examiner, automatically corrected errors, equated Trails A and Trails B path lengths, and presented a standardized TMT display throughout the test that is consistent across subjects. For the Block Design, subjects are required to assemble red, white, or red-and-white blocks in three-dimensional space based on a presentation of a two-dimensional stimulus card, which assesses their visual-spatial ability, constructional praxis, motor skill, and problem-solving skill ability. Recently, haptic VR systems or augmented reality systems have been implemented, allowing the use of real blocks while capturing performance more accurately. These technological devices permit the registration of the full sequence of performance while capturing and documenting the different types of errors and performance: stimulus bound, broken configurations, rotations, completion times, think-time, psychomotor slowing, etc. For Digital Span, subjects are required to keep in mind and then recall increasingly lengthy series of digits for a short time period, which assesses auditory span and working memory. Within the past few years, the development of computerized error analysis in the DS, identifying two general types of errors (item errors and order errors) was implemented into Digital Span. Item errors relate to an omission, addition, intrusion, or substitution in the string of numbers, whereas, order errors relate to an incorrect order or permutation error in the string of numbers. This computerized error analysis improves test sensitivity, as it improves the accuracy of the assessment of list length and serial-position effects, error analysis, and detection of idling. With all this being said, the technological aspect of each analysis possibly can enhance the standard version, thus increasing ecological validity and more suitable rehabilitation processes.

With all this evidence, the question that arises is whether we could take advantage of computer-based technologies to improve error analysis? Specifically, can we identify disease-specific error patterns and behaviors more accurately than what can currently be achieved manually by clinicians? In relation to this question, we would argue that VR technology might allow neuropsychology to reach this next level. Today, the amount of technology we possess has the potential to show an immersive interactive virtual environment at a reasonable cost. With the implementation of VR, a new paradigm of human-computer interaction becomes more prevalent, where external observers are able to view progress and images on a computer screen, while the active participant is immersed in a computer-generated virtual 3D world. Nevertheless, we are able to find the possibility to show dynamic and interactive 3D stimuli systematically within a virtual environment, which is impossible by other means. With the ability to create an evaluation environment that can increase ecological validity, immediate feedback through sensorial modalities, capture test performance, and other forms of feedback, a safer environment is generated, which leads to more accurate judgments and results. Performing more accurate judgments and predictions of a patient’s daily life, including such things as school or work performance, could ultimately support the development of more personalized rehabilitation programs. Although VR and technology are not the remedies for all types of behavioral analysis and continue to be perfected, they represent a great opportunity in the future in terms of usability and usefulness in the neuropsychology arena.

Joseph Young
Psychology Intern


Here at NRS|LS, we believe understanding the interface between technology and neuropsychological advancements is critical in order to provide the best patient care.

Spotlight Series on Perimenopause, Menopause, and Beyond: Part II – Cognitive Changes

This blog focuses on cognitive changes that commonly occur during the menopausal transition. See the first blogpost on menopause on our website for a recap of foundational menopause information. Here, we will describe some real-life examples of these cognitive changes as they appear on the surface. These illustrations are important because cognitive changes can be misinterpreted as neurological or emotional problems when they are, in fact, hormone-driven and modifiable if taken seriously by medical and mental health professionals.

Scenario 1: Woman in 50’s — “I think I have undiagnosed ADD. I’m distracted easily, having a hard time concentrating at work, and messing up things that I didn’t used to. It’s hard for me to multi-task and I’m struggling to juggle work, kids, life, etc.”

Scenario 2: Woman in her early 60’s — “I’m scared I have early onset dementia. I’m getting forgetful, I feel slower, and it takes me longer to remember names and information that I used to spit out and recall quickly.”

Scenario 3: Woman in late 40s — “I just feel like something’s wrong. I feel foggy all the time. I don’t have energy. I don’t sleep well and don’t know if it’s anxiety or life stress or some underlying medical condition.”

It may seem hard to believe that hormonal changes can be at the root of these symptoms, but the neuroscientific literature paints a pretty convincing picture that there are several ways that menopause has direct and indirect effects on the brain and quality of thinking, including:

(1)   There are cellular and structural changes to the brain due to declining levels of estrogen, especially in the hypothalamus, prefrontal cortex, hypothalamus, and amygdala;

(2)   Estrogen supports the healthy functioning of many crucial processes in the brain; estrogen loss is associated with increased systemic inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and negative changes in the cholinergic and dopaminergic systems;

(3)   Sleep disruptions from vasomotor symptoms (hot flushes, night sweats), which affect 50-80% of women, contribute to acute cognitive problems and magnify already elevated levels of depression and anxiety.

Lastly, it is believed there’s a “critical window” of opportunity, potentially right before estrogen starts to drop, where hormone replacement interventions may alter the trajectory of cognitive symptoms. Many variables play into this equation and the most logical place to start is by discussing cognitive concerns with your doctors. If you relate to one of the above scenarios, a comprehensive neuropsychological and/or psychological examination can be helpful for proper diagnosis and treatment options, including counseling with one of our health psychologists to explore lifestyle and behavioral protocols for menopause-related cognitive, emotional, and physical changes.


Lauren Gashlin, PsyD
Clinical Health Psychologist

Understanding Health Anxiety and how to Treat it

Do you find yourself constantly worrying about your health or believing something must be wrong? Although it is natural to worry about health, health anxiety elevates worrying to an extreme, impacting daily life. This blog dives into what health anxiety is, and the effective treatment methods for it.

Health anxiety, also referred to as illness anxiety disorder, is characterized by excessive worry about having or developing serious illnesses, often with no existing major physical symptoms. Typically, those with health anxiety will misinterpret normal bodily functions such as, muscle twitching, minor headaches, or stomachaches, as frightening symptoms of illness. There are two ways health anxiety displays itself, known as the “avoiders and reassurance seekers” (Tyrer, P & Tryer, 2018). Even with many doctors’ visits, and clear medical exams, a reassurance seeker will find themself unable to alleviate their fear(s) of something being wrong. However, and avoidant seeker will do everything in their power to alleviate all contact with doctors, medical exams, and anything carrying information about illness. When fears of illness begin to disrupt the activities of daily living, it is important to address the problem.

The most common and effective treatment method for health anxiety is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This is a form of psychotherapy focused on the relationship between how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. For those diagnosed with health anxiety, CBT helps to challenge irrational thoughts, and change problematic thought patterns which results in improved emotions and behaviors and increasing overall well-being. After receiving CBT for health anxiety, effective coping strategies are learned which can range from relaxation techniques to problem-solving techniques. CBT allows individuals to gain more control over their anxieties and health-related feelings.

Axelsson, E., & Hedman-Lagerlöf, E. (2019). Cognitive behavior therapy for health anxiety: systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical efficacy and health economic outcomes. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 19(6), 663–676.

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2021). Illness anxiety disorder. Mayo Clinic.






The Comorbidity of Alzheimer’s Disease and Psychological Conditions

Alzheimer’s Disease is one of the most common types of dementia. It is characterized as a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and language. The exact cause of AD is unknown but it is hypothesized to be a combination of various genetic and environmental factors. AD has many common symptoms such as confusion, behavioral changes, and difficulties executing ADLS. However, AD can also be characterized by its plethora of comorbidities.

A comorbidity is the presence of one or more diseases present in a patient simultaneously. Alzheimer’s specifically has a plethora of comorbidities ranging from obesity to hearing loss. However some of its most prominent comorbidities are different psychological conditions. One specific instance of this is depression. In an article written by the National Library of Medicine, depression occurred in 32.3% of  the 2,618 recorded AD cases from 2001 to 2011.

Anxiety is also a prevalent comorbidity in Alzheimer’s patients, specifically during the early onset. In an article published in the National Library of Medicine, anxiety symptoms were common among Alzheimer’s Patients and occurred in 70% of the subjects. Furthermore, 54% of Alzheimer’s patients had a comorbidity of both depression and anxiety.

Anxiety and depression both present as mild to moderate in regard to their comorbidity with Alzheimer’s Disease. However, there are much more severe psychological comorbidities such as psychosis and bipolar disorder. In a sense these both go hand in hand, similar to how anxiety and depression present. The only difference being the gravity of the conditions. “Behavioral and psychotic manifestations, including aggression, delusions, and hallucinations, are frequent comorbidities in patients with debilitating nervous illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease.” (National Library of Medicine, 2022). Evidently, psychosis poses a greater threat to both the patient and the people close to them making it one of the more serious comorbidities of AD.

Bipolar Disorder is similar to psychosis in the context of severity, but unlike any of the aforementioned comorbidities, BD is unique. BD is a disorder characterized by manic episodes. Unlike any other comorbidity, BD can also contribute to the development of dementia. In a meta analysis of the risk of developing dementia in bipolar individuals, it was found that the association between BD and dementia is consistent across numerous studies. “Given the limited number of long-term longitudinal, well-controlled studies of progressive cognitive changes in BD, our meta-analysis provides additional evidence that bipolar disorder can be viewed as a progressive condition that leads to cognitive impairment and dementia, at least in a subgroup of individuals.” (National Library of Medicine, 2017). Without any clear cause of Alzheimer’s Disease and there not being a solid treatment either, it is all the more important to pay attention to its comorbidities. These comorbidities can allow us to potentially identify Alzheimer’s Disease during its early onset and reduce the severity of its symptoms. Being able to identify them actively may also yield a connection between the ailments and might pave the road to finding a cure.

Works Cited

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “What Is Alzheimer’s Disease?”, CDC, 2020,

Diniz, Breno S., et al. “History of Bipolar Disorder and the Risk of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol. 25, no. 4, Apr. 2017, pp. 357–362, Accessed 29 Mar. 2021.

“Https://”, 2 Feb. 2011,

Katabathula, Sreevani, et al. “Comorbidity‐Driven Multi‐Modal Subtype Analysis in Mild Cognitive Impairment of Alzheimer’s Disease.” Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 27 Sept. 2022, Accessed 5 Feb. 2023.

‌Santiago, Jose A., and Judith A. Potashkin. “The Impact of Disease Comorbidities in Alzheimer’s Disease.” Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, vol. 13, no. 1, 2021, p. 631770,,

‌Teri, L., et al. “Anxiety in Alzheimer’s Disease: Prevalence and Comorbidity.” The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, vol. 54, no. 7, 1 July 1999, pp. M348–M352, Accessed 30 Jan. 2021.

‌Wang, Jen-Hung, et al. “Medical Comorbidity in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Nested Case-Control Study.” Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, vol. 63, no. 2, 24 Apr. 2018, pp. 773–781,

Verbal & Nonverbal Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are common across people of all ages, but the large array of learning disabilities is not well known to most people. People typically associate speech and reading issues with learning disabilities, but don’t realize how many learning disabilities are classified as Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities (NVLDs). In regard to children, many may have standard verbal skills like reading and speech fluency, but still struggle in school and they do not understand why. Especially with younger children, reading is looked at as a base level of how well they are doing in school, but there is a possibility that a child who struggles could have a NVLD. Learning Disabilities are not limited to Reading and Speech, as they can also impact things such as Writing, Mathematics, Organizational Skills, and Comprehension Skills.

Verbal Learning Disabilities are most commonly known, but still have nuances that need to be looked for in order to determine whether or not a child might have a verbal learning disability. Some of the most common Verbal Learning Disabilities are as follows:

  • Dyslexia – reading disability that affects the processing of written words
  • Dysgraphia – writing disability that affects the written expression, along with writing, spelling and grammar
  • Dyscalculia – difficulty processing, recognizing math concepts and symbols
  • Language Processing Disorder – difficulty processing words, sounds, and stories
  • Stuttering/Speech Impediments – difficultly with speech fluency and word pronunciation

Some of the commons signs to look for regarding Verbal Learning Disabilities are as follows:

  • Reading Fluency Issues
  • Struggles With Word Comprehension
  • Minimal Vocabulary Skills
  • Difficulty With Number and Letter Recognition
  • Struggles With Spelling and Writing Skills
  • Decoding

Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities often go unnoticed, but may impact children more because they are not often recognized. Some of the signs of NVLDs are less known and can often be mistaken for other issues (i.e autism spectrum) a child could possibly be having.

Some of the most common signs of a potential NVLD are as follows:

  • Reading Comprehension Issues
  • Struggles With Understanding and Applying Mathematical Concepts
  • Difficultly With Organizational Skills
  • Lack Of Conversational Skills
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty Understanding verbal cues when others are being sarcastic, joking, or not speaking in literal terms
  • Spatial analysis

If you believe your child may be showing signs of a Verbal or Non-Verbal Learning Disability, contact our office for an evaluation to help your child reach their full potential.

Josh Tice
Psychometrician and Behavioral Technician


Neuropsychology studies brain function and its relationship to behavior.  It seeks to apply this knowledge through evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of those individuals with suspected or documented neurological problems (e.g., TBI, stroke, dementia, and demyelinating disorders, to name a few).  Neuropsychological assessment might be best explained as a blend of neurological and psychological measures involving various brain regions.  Initially, the major focus of neuropsychology had been mainly diagnostic and primarily concerned with relationships between the localization of brain injury and subsequent cognitive/behavioral alterations.  More recently, the primary goal is to determine an individual’s strengths and weaknesses and overall functional adaptation and capabilities.

Reason an individual is referred for a neuropsychological assessment:

·        To assist in childhood, adult, and geriatric adult neurobehavioral conditions.

·        To establish a baseline of function in determining the course of cerebral dysfunction.

·        To help estimate the contribution of personality and mood to the patient’s symptoms.

·        To help predict the patient’s short and long term prognosis.

·        To assist with planning remedial and vocational interventions.

Purpose of neuropsychological assessment:

·        To describe the degree of cognitive impairments and explain the reasons for their existence.

·        To measure behavioral impairments that result from brain injury.

·        To establish a baseline of function that allows for comparisons over time.

·        To provide a plan for cognitive and behavioral rehabilitation treatment.

·        To guide the planning and development of remedial education or vocational rehabilitation.

·        To calculate the individual’s ability to resume his/her premorbid lifestyle.

·        To provide documentation for litigation concerned with the functional impact of brain injury on cognitive and interpersonal behavior.

Components of a neuropsychological assessment:

·        History – obtained by the interview with the patient and family and a thorough record review.

·        Observations – taken from the interview and testing phases.

·        Testing – measures that provide an in-depth picture of the patient’s cognitive and behavioral functions.

·        Report – a detailed summary of all information; findings shape specific recommendations that address the patient’s intellectual, behavioral/psychological, psychosocial, education, and vocational needs.

·        Exit Conference – the patient, family members, and other involved parties are invited to meet with the neuropsychologist to review the test findings and recommendations.

·        Follow-up – medical professions ensure the timely implementation of rehabilitative care and/or re-evaluation based upon the treatment plan outlined in the reports recommendations.

Areas evaluated in a neuropsychological assessment:

·        Intelligence

·        Language skills

·        Attention/concentration (auditory/visual)

·        Memory (auditory, visual, tactile)

·        Sensory and perceptual functions

·        Visuospatial abilities

·        Motor skills

·        Problem-solving (verbal and non-verbal)

·        Abstract reasoning

·        Cognitive flexibility

·        Sequencing and thought organization abilities

·        Information processing speed

·        Personality and mood

·        Academic achievement

·        Executive functions

Factors influencing ecological validity of neuropsychological test data:

·        History of injury

·        Complaints of patient

·        Complaints of family, friends, significant others

·        Academic/vocational records

·        Medical records

·        Neurodiagnostic tests

·        Behavioral observations

·        Neuropsychological testing

In summary, neuropsychological assessment of individuals with suspected or documented neurological and brain disorders is of the utmost importance in a variety of clinical settings.  With access to comprehensive and valid neuropsychological test results, the neuropsychologist assists the patient, family, physicians, allied healthcare professionals, and attorneys in determining an accurate diagnosis and in establishing practical treatment recommendations to maximize an individual’s level of functional adaptation and adjustment.

For additional information or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office at 732-988-3441.

Michael J. Raymond, Ph.D., ABN, FACPN
Board Certified Neuropsychologist #232
Licensed Psychologist #35S100252900