Driving Anxiety after a Motor Vehicle Accident: The Importance of Treatment

It is common for car accident survivors to develop various psychological symptoms, including driving or passenger anxiety. While many people recover, some continue experiencing high anxiety related to driving or even being a passenger in a car. The anxiety may also escalate to an overwhelming fear of driving resulting in avoidance of driving. This can seriously disrupt a person’s life, which is why psychological treatment is critical.

Risk Factors:

·       severity of the accident

·       severity of injury

·       coming close to dying

·       flashbacks

·       history of traumatic events

·       pre-existing psychological factors

·       continued litigation related to the car accident


·       uneasy/anxious about driving

·       difficulty driving/riding in a car

·       excessive worry

·       irritability/anger

·       fear of getting into another accident, harming self/others

·       avoidance of driving or driving only when necessary

·       physical symptoms (feeling tense, sweating, trembling, difficulty breathing, heart pounding)

·       panic attacks


Lack of treatment post motor vehicle accident can prolong psychological symptoms and make them worse. At NRS|LS, we provide cognitive-behavioral therapy, including biofeedback that can help overcome driving anxiety and restore confidence in driving.  Early treatment post accident is critical.

If you or someone you know experiences driving anxiety, please contact our office for a consultation.


Basia Andrejko-Gworek, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology, Chief Post-Doctoral Fellow
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