Dyslexia Symptoms

Dyslexia Symptoms

 Early Signs (Before School):

●      Delayed speech development.

●      Difficulty learning nursery rhymes or recognizing rhyming patterns.

●      Difficulties accurately forming words, such as mispronouncing words or mixing similar-sounding terms.

●      Difficulties with letter, number, and color recognition.

School-Age Signs:

●      Difficulty in learning and remembering the names of letters and numbers.

●      Slow vocabulary growth.

●      Reading far below the required level for the age; difficulties processing and comprehending what is said;

trouble coming up with the correct term or formulating responses to questions.

●      Difficulties recalling the order of things.

●      Difficulty recognizing (and sometimes hearing) word and letter similarities and differences.

●      Incapacity to pronounce a word that is unknown by sound.

●      Spelling challenges.

●      Taking an abnormally lengthy time to finish writing or reading assignments Staying away from reading-related activities.

Teens and Adults:

●      Reading challenges, especially when reading aloud.

●      Labor-intensive and slow reading and writing.

●      Spelling issues.

●      Avoiding reading-related activities.

●      Mispronouncing terms or names, or other issues obtaining words.

●      Taking an abnormally lengthy time to finish writing or reading assignments.

●      Having trouble condensing a story.

●      Difficulties with arithmetic word problems.

●      Difficulties with learning a new language.

If you are concerned about the possibility of dyslexia, please call our office for a consultation.