The gifted child is very much misunderstood, at times academically neglected, and difficult overall to identify. Many gifted children are inaccurately diagnosed with ADHD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Mood Disorders.
Here are some traits consistent with a gifted child:
- Thirst for knowledge, discovery, questioning, introspective, and keen observation. However, can be critical and argumentative.
- Vivid imagination, imaginary friends, inventions, preference for the unusual. However can mix truth and fiction and have low tolerance for boredom and stress.
- Great depth and intensity of emotional life-wide range of feelings, compassion, and constant self-examination. However, signs of timidity, shyness, difficulty adjusting to change can also be experienced.
- Enhanced senses. However, can become easily distracted by sounds, textures, smells, etc.
- Constantly intense drive, high energy, could also be restless, compulsive talking, nervous habits, etc.
Many children who are diagnosed as Gifted may also have co-occurring neurocognitive or emotional conditions. Therefore, care and thorough assessment of the child is critical to create an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
If your child is experiencing any of these symptoms and you would like to know more, please call our office.
Michelle Blose, PsyD
Neuropsychology, Post-Doctoral Fellow
NJ Permit: TP# 203-032